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"JDEtips on Distribution--Advanced Pricing"

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Size: 1.08 MB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:4/11/2024
'Unpublished Secrets, Undocumented Features, Creative Solutions!' This from Andy Klee in July 2000 when he published his very first edition of the Journal, now known as Knowledge Express. It's a fun read and we hope you enjoy this special tribute.  
Size: 3.25 MB, Version:1, Publication Date:1/8/2021
In addition to some very interesting best practice suggestions around Advanced Pricing for Procurement set up vs standard procurement costing, this article will also bring you up to speed on exciting new functionality with E9.2. If basket pricing for purchase orders, in addition to rounding rules and sliding rate adjustments that now apply to the procurement side are something you've been waiting for, you've come to the right place.  
Size: 1.24 MB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:6/26/2015
Learn the ins and outs of setting up Price Approvals in Advanced Pricing. This feature allows managers to review and either approve or reject sales-related pricing changes made by others. This article explains and demonstrates both the setup and the functionality.  
Size: 561 KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:9/29/2014
Five. Count 'em. Five Advanced Pricing enhancements in one article. Setting a New Base Price, Skipping Adjustments (pre-9.1, but it fits the topic), Order Repricing an entire order, Changes to the Order and Basket Reprice and Price/Cost Update UBEs, and Changes to the Accelerated Pricing Resolution Engine. Be aware that some of these enhancements came out with 9.1 Update 2.  
Size: 571 KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:12/19/2013
In E1 9.0 and 9.1, Oracle has added a bit of new functionality in Advanced Pricing's formulas: calculating minimum, maximum, and average value under various conditions. If you love working logic problems, you will be on cloud nine with this detailed explanation and demonstration of how it all works.  
Size: 1825KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:2/12/2013
This chapter of JDEtips 9.1 Advanced Pricing training manual covers a new feature of the module. Our thanks to Russ Bartunek, JDE Distribution consultant extraordinaire.  
Size: 802 KB, Version:1, Publication Date:3/20/2012
It started with a single adjustment schedule. Then the adjustments kept coming and coming--it had to do with pricing; "yep, there's an adjustment for that." Before you knew it, order entry time increased, processing time dragged on, and your business wasn't too happy. Time to get the smiles back. This article by Emerson Snider shows you how to reduce the number of adjustments on an adjustment schedule in eight simple steps.  
Size: 538 KB, Version:1, Publication Date:9/7/2011
Here's a sample from our newly updated EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing training manual.  
Size: 257 KB, Version:1, Publication Date:7/21/2011
If you're using Advanced Pricing, it's time to get better acquainted with the Pricing Engine. Knowledge of the Pricing Engine will not only help you realize the full potential of your Advanced Pricing module, but also help you to diagnose issues that may arise during module setup. Let this article serve as your guide to gain more knowledge on the core of Advanced Pricing.  
Size: 40 MB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:6/21/2011
Zip file for the June 21st, 2011 JDEtips Advanced Pricing Webucation event recording. Please note--this is an MP4 file.  
Size: 2.5 MB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:6/21/2011
PowerPoint presentation from the JDEtips Advanced Pricing Webucation event on June 21st, 2011. Join Tim Scott and Andy Klee as they explain how to troubleshoot your Advanced Pricing setup. Then we'll cover some of our favorite Advanced Pricing tips, including our favorite Rules of the Road, designed to keep you out of trouble.  
Size: 117 KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:6/21/2011
Bonus Document from the JDEtips Advanced Pricing Webucation event on June 21st, 2011. "Step by Step: What the Pricing Server Actually Does." This should be a big help in troubleshooting your setup.  
Size: 538 KB, Version:1, Publication Date:10/28/2010
Your supplier is located in Tucson and your customers are located in Phoenix, Denver, St. Louis What will it cost to ship your product to each of these cities from your supplier's location? Are you having flashbacks to 4th grade and math "word problems" yet? Rest easy, you won't have to rely on your math skills to help you solve this one; JD Edwards has the solution for you in Advanced Procurement Pricing. In this article, Tim Scott demonstrates how to utilize this functionality to calculate costs based on miles.  
Size: 841 KB, Version:1, Publication Date:10/16/2007
Sometimes you gotta do it. At some point, you'll need to allow your customer service reps or sales team to override the programmed price for a customer in EnterpriseOne. But, you know what happens then, right? Overriding the price clears the Price History. And the rest, shall we say, isn't pretty. So is there anyway around the perplexing problem? "YES", says Jane Perry. Jane provides some tips to help you keep price adjustments in place when the need to override is there. Hey you World clients--don't feel left out! This article applies to you too, with one or two minor differences. A summary of those differences is at the end of this article.  
Size: 648KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:8/24/2007
What's new in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing 8.12? Advanced Pricing guru Jane Perry gives us a sneak peek at some of the enhancements that come with the 8.12 release that are geared to giving some oomph to performance and functionality!  
Size: 316KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:5/24/2007
More proof that what happens in Vegas shouldn't always stay there... this time, our fearless publisher (that would be Andy) tackles two long standing myths that were dredged up and effectively squashed during his presentation on Advanced Pricing at Collaborate 07. So, if you, too, have wondered about turning on Advanced Pricing for just one branch, or had questions about when it's normal to get a "no base price in effect" warning, then we have some answers for you!  
Size: 490KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:3/22/2007
Do you offer your customers rebates for purchasing over a certain amount during a specified period of time? That is a great sales strategy, but how complicated is it to set up in your system? Well, no worries, because the whole setup is explained in detail in this white paper. This paper is taken from a chapter in the JDEtips University Advanced Pricing Mastery Level Workshop manual and serves as a companion piece for the Flex Accounting in Advanced Pricing article by Andy Klee in the March/April 2007 issue of the JDEtips Journal.  
Size: 826KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:3/22/2007
Although this article uses Rebates as an example of when to use Flex Accounting, the reader is cautioned that a more thorough understanding of rebates themselves involves reading "Advanced Adjustments - Rebate Processing", a separate article.  
Size: 412KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:1/28/2007
We decided to let Andy have a crack at this topic because: 1) He has lots of expertise in Advanced Pricing, 2) We needed another article, and 3) He is, after all, the Publisher! Actually, Andy came up with this "Rules of the Road" concept because he's got a lot of pricing knowledge that has built up in his brain over the years, and he needed to get it out on paper before he blew a valve, or (more likely) started forgetting it. This article also launches a series of JDEtips "Rules of the Road" - so stay tuned!  
Size: 767KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:1/28/2007
It happens to the best of us. We make a decision to upgrade, based on a feature or two that we thought was the BIG thing... only to find out that, in reality, it might be great for someone--but it's not what we need. Marshall Baird shares his tale of what it was like to upgrade to JD Edwards 8.11 for Rounding Rules--and his company's discovery that what they wanted all along wasn't in the feature they so desired. But, alls well that ends well. Baird shares his journey of what they learned through trial and error, their final work-around solution, and a few pointers--in case what didn't work for them may meet your company's needs.  
Size: 167KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:3/25/2006
Optimization... Execution... Enforcement... Does your ERP system help you with all these aspects of price management? Does your business process even provide the data required to fulfill these expectations? In this article, Russ Bartunek gives us a rundown on what price management really is, and gets us started on the road to inspecting our current practices and looking into an add-on price management product.  
Size: 103KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:5/1/2005
If you haven't seen this tip, you are in for a treat. An all-time favorite! Sit back and watch as we take you through a great way to setup Item Restrictions by Item Group. Watch this Video  
Size: 594KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:3/14/2005
This tip addresses three issues that were encountered daily in a company that firmly stands behind their Satisfaction Guaranteed statement. There are instances where for a multitude of reasons they have to replace the customer's order at no-charge. With Advanced Pricing, all that was needed was ONE Adjustment with merely TWO lines of detail and ALL problems were solved.  
Size: 769KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:1/11/2005
Here's our fourth and final article on 8.9/8.10 changes to Advanced Pricing and Sales Order Management. Have we covered it all? Probably not. But we've certainly hit the high points. As Russ mentions, he's written an entire book (over 300 pages) detailing every Advanced Pricing enhancement, step by step. Check out our schedule of publicly available training classes and sign up now for the class of your choice.  
Size: 1362KB, Version:1, Publication Date:11/9/2004
Here's our third article on 8.9/8.10 changes to Advanced Pricing and Sales Order. Five years of development went into the software, so we're flying pretty high here. As Russ mentions, he's written an entire book (over 300 pages) detailing every Advanced Pricing enhancement, step by step.  
Size: 234KB, Version:1, Publication Date:11/3/2004
Wouldn't you love to be able to do "what-if analysis" on your pricing before you go update your pricing files? And be able to do this without printing a bunch of reports and then manually re-entering pricing data into a spreadsheet or other tool? Kathy Adams provides design advice for creating a great time-saving method of extracting pricing data and presenting it to the marketing analysts so they can tweak the data to derive the optimum margins--and then automatically update the pricing files with their results!  
Size: 913KB, Version:1, Publication Date:9/5/2004
With this article, we continue our series on the enhancements in the Advanced Pricing area for EnterpriseOne® 8.9. The previous installment was Enhancements to Sales Orders and Advanced Pricing in EnterpriseOne 8.9, published in the May/June 2004 issue of JDEtips. Subject Matter Expert Russ Bartunek does a grand job of showing us how it was before and how it is now! You'll find this easy to read and full of great information -- it's going to give you ample justification for upgrading if you are a heavy user of Advanced Pricing.  
Size: 609 KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:5/1/2004
Lisa again takes off on a JDEtip that she got from our Mastery Level Advanced Pricing class and does it one better. This tip involves how to add a flat amount, at the line level, including quantity breaks.  
Size: 2.6 MB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:11/1/2003
If you are using JDE's Standard Price Rules instead of Advanced Pricing, this article may provide just the incentive you need to get moving with the very powerful features of Advanced Pricing. Those of you who know Andy, know that Advanced Pricing is his favorite module. Find out why in this "blast from the past". Please note that this article applies equally to both WorldSoftware and OneWorld.  
Size: 1.8 MB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:5/1/2003
This tip is one that will go directly into our Advanced Pricing Mastery Level Workshop as a featured tip. We've been aware of the fact that you could manipulate Advanced Pricing to round prices, but never really figured out how to do it. We think you'll agree this is a winner and a great illustration of how JDEtips helps you solve business problems without expensive customization. Rounding problems no more!  
Size: 360 KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:1/1/2003
Do you want your customers to quote a code from your product catalog when they order? Are you trying to give your customers a basket or order level discount based on that code? For example, buy any 7 items from this group and get a 5% discount? Impossible, we used to say! Until this tip came along and we realized that if you get very creative (picture pricing on its head), it can be done! This works in both OneWorld and World Software.  
Size: 2.8 MG, Version:1.0, Publication Date:5/1/2002
Andy is recognized worldwide as an expert at Advanced Pricing. It's his favorite JDE module. He has taught his custom 4 day Mastery Workshop at more than a dozen clients. Here we cover the basics plus a few advanced tips.  
Size: 440 KB, Version:1.0, Publication Date:1/1/2002
Sue is an expert in Advanced Pricing. This tip shows how to set up a free goods rule where the customer must buy a minimum quantity to qualify--for example buy 10 drills and then start getting a free drill bit set for every drill, including the first 10. Sue has a very creative solution!  

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